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Combined Cycle Applications

Company business name:
Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o.

Registered office:
Tylova 1/57
301 28 Pilsen
Czech Republic

The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Pilsen, section C, file No 24733.
The business is listed under the Trade Register.

CRN: 49193864, VAT ID: CZ49193864
Bank account No: 73204311/0100
IBAN: CZ3301000000000073204311

[email protected]

+420 378 185 000
+420 378 185 939

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Research and Development

Research and Development

Through ongoing research and development we constantly refine our products and drive world-class innovation.

Our Strategy

Our Strategy

Doosan’s Our Strategy is based on the principle of “2G” - Growth of Business by Growth of People. 2G is a virtuous circle where people drive the business growth, which in turn provides our people the opportunity for advancement. Doosan believes that sustained success can only come through people.

Global Network

Global Network

Find out how Doosan Škoda Power is creating innovation and changes around the world.

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