Guarantee measurement
Steam turbine performance measurement is amongst the many services delivered by Doosan Škoda Power. This can be performed as a standalone service, or together with overhaul or upgrade packages. Detailed and extensive measurements of steam pressure, temperature, mass flows, power output at various loads of the TG set conducted prior to an inspection allow us to obtain a reference point which describes the performance of the unit.
Values verified during a guarantee measurement:
- Verification of the thermal efficiency
- Verification of the specific heat consumption in the turbine equipment
- Verification of the thermodynamic efficiency of the turbine
- Verification of specific consumption steam
- Verification of the maximum power of the turbine
Guarantee measurement execution:
- Preparation of the instrumentation
- Installation of the instrumentation in the power plant
- Execution of the guarantee measurement
Other measurements:
- Flow mass measurement using an ultrasonic device (water, oil)
- Leakage identification using a helium detector
- Individual power output measurement
- Measurement uncertainty calculation
- Pressure and temperature gauges calibration
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